
Sumera Farman

The New Tories

So… Who are the new Tories? If you don’t know by now, have you been living under a rock? It is Labour who are very

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Sumera Farman

Bonne Maman Jam

I have a fun fact for all you guys. Last year, before the genocide started in Palestine or maybe it was at the beginning of

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Sumera Farman

76 Years of Nakba

Yesterday, was the national protest for Palestine. But, it was different to the usual protests. That’s because it’s the 76 year occupation of Palestine. 76

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Sumera Farman

The Kids REALLY showed up!

Yesterday I went to the national protest for Palestine in London. Now, I love going to the protests in London because they are so much

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Sumera Farman

Pro-Pali Rally in Tower Hamlets

On the 2nd December, I visited London 🇬🇧 🚇after years. I never really loved London, I preferred Manchester. However, I think that changed over the

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Sumera Farman

Thoughts 💭

In 2017, I took my baby brother to Barcelona. He turned 21 at the end of 2016 and he had never been abroad before. I

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Sumera Farman

Bonfires and Bombs

Tonight I went to see the fireworks display at Edgbaston Cricket Stadium and I really struggled. Last year the event was better, but that’s not

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Sumera Farman

Desiblitz Literature Festival

So in the last week of October… Kind of. had a literature festival. I was on the emerging writers panel alongside some other emerging

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Sumera Farman

Birmingham for Palestine

Yesterday, I attended my first ever protest. Which at my old age is pretty shameful. But, this was a protest for Palestine. Over the last

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Sumera Farman

Getting an Agent

Honestly, why is it so difficult to get an agent. I’ve sent out lots and lots of queries but I’ve only had two responses. Both

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Sumera Farman

Graduation Ceremony

Tomorrow, is my graduation ceremony for my Masters in Professional Creative Writing from Coventry University. I discovered that I also won the Course Tutors Prize

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Sumera Farman


Today I had a short acupuncture session. I told the therapist my issues… I have a lot lol 😂 and they began by putting the

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Sumera Farman

Literary Agents

So… As I announced last year, I finished writing my children’s book… I had some beta readers and the overall consensus was that the story

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Sumera Farman

Happy Holidays

So, as a Muslim, I don’t celebrate Christmas. However, for the last few years, I have cooked a nice dinner on Christmas day. It’s because

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Sumera Farman

Busy Bee 🐝

Sorry I’ve been so quiet. I was made redundant at the end of September although I was on gardening leave since June. I then had

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Sumera Farman


So a couple of years ago… I had a sudden scare where I believed I had bowel cancer. I wasn’t a hypochondriac. There were actual

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Sumera Farman

Dissertation Confirmed

I finally have a topic for my dissertation! I’m pretty glad because I was really struggling. After multiple meetings, my supervisor Tim who is also

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Sumera Farman

Dissertation Topics!!!

I’ve never written a dissertation before because covid… so I’m really struggling to find a topic. I have to get a move on because this

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Sumera Farman

Today I found…

So for the past week… I have been decluttering and cleaning… wait for it… my bedroom. Now, I have to be honest. It was a

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Sumera Farman

Quiet As A Mouse 🐁 🧀

I’ve been so quiet recently because I’m in the final term of University and I’m supposed to be doing my Creative Dissertation. But, I’m also

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Sumera Farman


So… a few weeks ago, I applied for some funding through university. It was Freelance Funding where I along with many other talented individuals was

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Sumera Farman

London Bridge Has Fallen Down

London Bridge has fallen down… that was the news today. Our beloved Queen Elizabeth ll has passed away. That was the shocking, unexpected yet not

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Sumera Farman

Work Work Work

So as you probably already know… I finally finished my first draft of my children’s book. Apparently… I can’t shut up about it. I’m finally

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Sumera Farman

Counting & Cracking

Today I went to the theatre and watched a play for the first time since last year! I have to admit this is the first

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Sumera Farman

It’s Halal!

I think I first came across It’s Halal on LinkedIn. I’m not sure if the owner followed me or whether it popped up in my

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Sumera Farman

Boob Issues

Personal Story Time! I wasn’t planning on sharing this but I figure I have nothing to lose. About a year ago, maybe just under a

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Sumera Farman

Scripts & Screens

My current university module is about writing for screen. So essentially I’m having to write a 30 minute script which is approximately around 30 pages.The

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Sumera Farman

Final Draft

This semester I’m turning one of my WIPs (Works In Progress) into a script for either TV or Film.I picked this particular piece as I

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Sumera Farman

Roe vs Wade

Last week the US Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade which means states now have the power to make abortion illegal. Now, although this decision

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Sumera Farman

Uni Is Hard

Uni is a lot harder this year… Im not sure if its due to my rubbish health or the fact there are only two students.

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Sumera Farman

Screen Writing

This semester I only have one teacher who is teaching us HOW to write for screen and tease out characters.I’m really enjoying this module because

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Sumera Farman


So on Sunday 22nd of May, my personal Instagram account was hacked. I have no idea why it was hacked but they uploaded a video

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Sumera Farman


Today I officially graduated. Technically, I actually graduated in 2020 but the ceremony just happened today. I couldn’t sleep at all last night so I

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Sumera Farman

Deadlines Always Looming

Today… I finally handed in a piece I began working on over a year ago. This piece was originally meant to be handed in during

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Sumera Farman

Drawing Isn’t Easy

Yesterday, I had my class on graphic design for my course and I was the only student. So it was very much a 1-2-1 class.

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Sumera Farman

Published Author

Why oh why, do I have imposter syndrome? 😫 My third book was just released. Exciting! 😀😃😄 It’s another poetry book but I feel so

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Sumera Farman

Not the website 😂 So uni this semester is different. There are only two of us in class (students) but we do a module on

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Sumera Farman

Happy New Year

Just a quick message to say Happy New Year. Last year I had a pretty good year. It was a revelation. I grew older and

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Sumera Farman

Imposter Syndrome?

Today is a good day. Not only is my newest book officially available to purchase on a variety of different websites, but, I’ve also finalised

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Sumera Farman

Writing and Reading Slump

I’m not sure what’s going on with me. Maybe it has something to do with the time of year and seasonal depression but I’m struggling.

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Sumera Farman

Music To My Words

Hi everyone, sorry I’ve been MIA. Unfortunately, my surgical recovery is taking longer than expected so I’m unable to write. I just wanted to update

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Sumera Farman

Back to School

So this week, I went back to University. As in the actual building, with other students and a lecturer. Now, I was a bit nervous

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Sumera Farman

Technical Difficulties

Hi Everyone, sorry I don’t mean to bombard you with emails but I noticed that for some reason all the posts I’ve uploaded this month

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Sumera Farman

Hate Mail?

So today I guess I received my first piece of hate mail although it was in the form of a private message on Facebook 🤣

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Sumera Farman

First Term of University

I started university a couple of weeks after term had started. And so, I actually missed some vital lectures concerning the assignments. This was because

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Sumera Farman

My favourite time of year!

For most people, their favourite time of year is one where they get presents. Usually their birthday or Christmas, anniversaries ect. For me, for as

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Sumera Farman

Writers Block

I’ve always heard the term writers block. But honestly what exactly is writers block? The Cambridge dictionary defines it as ‘The condition of being unable

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Sumera Farman

Writing Crime

Through the course of my current degree I was focused on writing crime. This is because I love reading and watching crime. I have a

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Sumera Farman

Happiness Shrouded in Tragedy

‘Mr Sampson, I just need your credit card to validate payment for the room. Just to confirm, you have the Oceanview Penthouse Suite for one

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