So… a few weeks ago, I applied for some funding through university. It was Freelance Funding where I along with many other talented individuals was vying for a fund to help my freelance business. Now, as you all know I’m a writer. I’m trying to get a children’s book published soon. I’ve had feedback from all my beta readers and everyone had some suggestions. Although I probably won’t take all of them on board there were some very valid points! I also have an artist… actually lets refer to him as an illustrator because that is what he is. However, I currently don’t have the funds to hire him. Well, I didn’t until today! I was lucky enough to be selected as one of the applicants for my children’s book. Now I guess the issue is do I want to be self published or do I want to try the traditional publishing route? I’m inclined to try traditional publishing because that way my books will be in stores… but self publishing is so much quicker. Maybe God will give me a sign? I truly with all my heart feel he has my best interests at heart. He helped with my decision for my Masters. For the jobs I’ve recently applied to and he obviously planned for me to get this funding. Oh and I thought I’d introduce you to my main character. He’s not perfect but he’s pretty damn close.