
I am Sumera Farman

I am Born to Write. I know this because I’m happiest while I’m writing. Whether it’s my thoughts, ideas, letters, blog posts, poetry ect, I’m happy when I am putting words down. 

I recently graduated with my Master of Arts in Professional Creative Writing from Coventry University. I also won The Course Tutors Prize for Excellence and Endeavour.

Currently, I’m waiting to hear back from literary agents about my children’s book. I’m writing up a storm regarding my stories.

Writing samples

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Sumera Farman

The New Tories

So… Who are the new Tories? If you don’t know by now, have you been living under a rock? It is Labour who are very

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Sumera Farman

Bonne Maman Jam

I have a fun fact for all you guys. Last year, before the genocide started in Palestine or maybe it was at the beginning of

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Sumera Farman

76 Years of Nakba

Yesterday, was the national protest for Palestine. But, it was different to the usual protests. That’s because it’s the 76 year occupation of Palestine. 76

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Sumera Farman

The Kids REALLY showed up!

Yesterday I went to the national protest for Palestine in London. Now, I love going to the protests in London because they are so much

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